Sunday, August 10, 2008

US Consul General expresses condolences over loss of Darwish

From the Ma'an News Agency:

Jerusalem – Ma'an – US Consul General Jacob Walles sent his condolences to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas for the death of Mahmoud Darwish, who passed away on Saturday in the United States following open heart surgery.

Ma'an received a copy of the letter in Arabic.

The letter reads: “I console you for the loss of the great Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish whose death affected every Palestinian. He was always respected for his eloquence, and his poems communicated Palestinians’ grief and hopes to whole world. He dedicated his life to the Palestinian people and to the establishment of Palestinian state along with bringing peace to the region. I do realize that Palestinians lost a significant 'leader' with this death."

He added: “Darwish’s words will accompany us through our journey to remind us of our future hopes. We lost a dear friend but still we have his inspiration left. I hope you accept my condolence and I’m sad for your loss”.

With reverence,
Jacob Walles
US Consul General


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