Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Questions I would ask...

If I had the opportunity to interview the three presidential candidates I would ask the following questions:

John McCain:
  1. How do you explain to voters your continued support of a war that has killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and thousands of American soldiers?
  2. How can you boast the success of the "surge" in Iraq when an entire country, to borrow the words from your colleague Senator Clinton, has been "obliterated"?
  3. Many analyst suggest the U.S. economy is in, or is on its way, to a recession. You've been quoted as saying the economy is not your strong point. How can voters take your candidacy seriously if the number one pressing issue facing Americans is the economy?
Hillary Clinton:
  1. After your victory in New Hampshire you claimed that you "found your voice". Yet, your campaign message has morphed a few times since then. It seems that in the last several weeks your populist message has been consistent and indeed you have a voice you are comfortable with. What do you say to voters who question whether your message is genuine or political, cold calculations?
  2. What is the difference between Bush's "cowboy diplomacy" and your call for Iran's obliteration if they launch a nuclear attack on Israel?
  3. If you really feel passionate about counting the votes of Florida and Michigan, why are you now voicing your opposition to the DNC's decision not to seat their delegates? Why not when the rules were first proposed and implemented?
Barack Obama:
  1. What will you say to your followers if the changes you have promised to bring about in Washington are not achieved in time for the 2012 elections?
  2. Your campaign claims to want to bring about change in Washington. Yet, just like Senator Clinton, your response to a hypothetical question regarding an Iranian nuclear attack on Israel, you sound a lot like Bush. How does your "forceful response" equate to change?
  3. Both Senator McCain's and Clinton's position is clear regarding the plight of Palestinian statehood. What is your stance on the Palestinian question?

If I only had the opportunity to ask these questions...

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